Well, here we go. Vacation is over. I was doing pretty well while I was off. It's amazing how much it doesn't hurt when you're not on your feet for 5-8 hours a day. But, I haven't reached best seller status yet with
my book or received enough on
Patreon so I can quit my job. So, I have to wrap up my knee, say a prayer, and stick it out. I applied for FMLA but they're taking their sweet time getting back to me on it. At least, they haven't updated it online. So, I have to call before I leave today so I don't get in trouble if I have to bail out at any point this week. It sucks and I don't need to shorten my check but sometimes the pain becomes too much. As long as I make it past the halfway mark, I won't get into trouble. But, FMLA will help guarantee, especially if I have to call off completely.
The closer it gets to my appointment with the surgeon, the more nervous I get. (I also have to ask off for that day because it's not on my set day off) I don't know if he'll want me to continue working or if I should take time off to take it easy and not cause any more damage. I want to get this done as soon as possible but I still want to be able to go to my sister's wedding. I may have to hobble in on a cane. Or, limp down the aisle and then pull out the cane for the reception. But, dangit, I'll be there.
My fiancé and I met up with my sister on Sunday to take our engagement pictures. I wore this really pretty maxi dress so I could hide the wrap on my knee. And, I did okay for a while. We only walked around for an hour and my sister let me take breaks or we took pictures where one or both of us were sitting. But, after that hour or so, I was clinging to Joe like he was a human crutch. My knee was
throbbing. And, to add to it, just as we finished, it started to pour. Joe and my sis ran to the car while I just took my time. I was getting sweaty and hot anyway and I wasn't going to hurt myself further by trying to run. So, I just continued to walk at my pace and enjoyed the rain because it was cool and refreshing. And, it didn't last so by the time we got to my sister's apartment and my car, we were able to drive home.
I have to get a list of things to take with me to the hospital. And, have something ready in case I have to stay somewhere for rehab. My dad thinks they'll send me to a nursing home for a few weeks. I'm going to need to bring books to read, along with my own manuscript, and by wedding planning binder. I'm going to go absolutely stir crazy, I'm sure. Since it's my right knee, I really won't be able to drive. For possibly months. MONTHS!
MONTHS! I'm going to go bonkers! I'm going to try and make a list of work to do, like editing my manuscript or narrowing down the ridiculous number of Pins on my wedding Pinterest account and figuring out what I want and what's realistic and can actually be pulled off for next year. Joe's mom is really sweet and offered to help me with laundry and stuff.
I have to try and get some work done on my book before heading to the other work. And, I desperately need a drink because I think I inhaled some dust and can't stop coughing. Blegh!
I'll have another update soon. I'm really trying to keep up with this blog, especially with all this going on now.
Have a great day and remember to take it one day at a time. We can get through whatever RA throws at us. Especially if we who deal with it band together and support each other. It helps get rid of that "I'm the only one dealing with this" feeling that can pull you into a hole.