Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Late Night, Can't Sleep. Big Surprise

I got off work about an hour ago. I did some grocery shopping so I can test out my new crockpot on Saturday. But, my mind is just too active so I'm writing and catching up on YouTube because I have not been on there in over a week. My subscription list has racked up a bit.

I hate late night shifts. I mean, sleeping in is nice... when I can sleep or when I don't have ten truckloads of laundry to do. But, it's instances like this when I come home and am either in pain or my brain is too active for me to relax.

I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow but I will say I do not feel as bad as I did this time last week. My doctor put me back on Mobic which is sort of a prescription strength Aleve. I was on it for a long time before but had to go off it last summer when I had a blood cot because it would increase the effects of the blood thinners. I had some majorly bad flares at the end of October and my doctor put me back on it. I will admit, I don't always remember to take it and it has an impact. That was my problem last week. So, I remembered it this week and it's helping me so much.

I'm so excited, though! I got a crockpot for Christmas and I am going to be testing it out this weekend. No more salty pasta sides for dinner! Actual food! I spent both my breaks on my phone on Pinterest looking up recipes and writing them down in a notebook. As I do, I modify them a bit. Like, one recipe called for garlic salt and I said, "Nope. Salt equals bad for RA." So, I changed it to just garlic powder. Anything with tomato sauce or any kind of broth I mark down "no salt added" sauce or "unsalted." I know sugar is bad for RA as well but the salt is something I really need to work on because it's my go to. Quick food is salty, whether it's fast food or pasta sides. And I have such a crazy schedule with work so I grab quick food. Yay goals for 2016!

I'm going to finish the video I'm watching and going to bed. Gotta get up early in the morning and do more laundry and maybe attempt some writing.

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